Cancelling Renewal At End of Term

Renewal and Extension of Contracts

These rules apply to contracts signed before OR after Jan 1, 2011.

A renewal package must be sent to you between 120 and 60 days before your contract ends.

The package must include the renewed contract, a renewal form, two copies of the OEB approved Disclosure Statements and two copies of the Price Comparison.

Electricity contracts cannot be automatically renewed or extended so you do not need to respond to a renewal package if you choose not to.

If you do not respond to a renewal offer for a GAS contract, it can be automaticallly renewed under certain conditions.
- the contract has not been previously automatically renewed
- the new contract price is the same or less than the previous price
- you may, at any time, cancel a gas contract that was automatically renewed

For your convenience, we've created an Adobe Acrobat™ 4.0 document you can copy, fill in, print and send to the supplier.

How To Get The Letter

There's two ways you can receive the document:

How To Fill In The Letter

Today's date is already filled in for you. You need only press your Tab key to move from field to field. Moving your mouse over different sections will pop up a tip telling you what needs to be entered.

Complete the different sections of the letter and print it on your printer. Sign above your name and mail it to the supplier.

Make a copy of the signed letter for your records before you mail it.

Get the letter (14KB)

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